
How to create a perfect study routine for home | How to study in self-quarantine

  How to create a perfect study routine for home | How to study in self-quarantine Hi Lovlies! It's Bec and welcome back to my blog. In today's post, I am going to talk to you about 'How to create the perfect study routine from home'. I know that a lot of you are in self-quarantine and you are finding it quite challenging, based on studies. I have recieved many messages on social media that it's quite tough to be productive and avoid distractions, stay on top of the work-load. It's a big adjustment to go to work, highschool or uni. So, try to figure it out and do it on your own. You are not alone. I am going to help you. So, I have a huge list of tips and advices I am going to share with you in this post. So, I really hope you find it helpful. If you do, subscribe to my blog and give this post a like on Twitter and Instagram. Turn on the notifications too.  So, the first  thing I wanna talk to you is about looking to a strict study schedule. So I used to hav...

5 Easy Hacks to Simplify and Organize Your Life!

5 Easy Hacks to Simplify and Organize Your Life! Hi, lovelies! It's Bec and welcome back to my blog. In today's post, I'm gonna share with you five ways to simplify your life in 2021 and these are little organization hacks to know because my friends love my little organization tips. So, I hope you all too enjoy this post and if you do, give it a big thanks. These organization tips are going to help you not only to organize your work life and personal life but there are also practical ways to do that and mentally you're going to be organizing your life and being much more clear on how you direct your attention and where you spend your time most. So, let's get straight into it! Now, the first hack is to be more deliberate with how you use social media. I can't believe it, I never thought of doing it this way, but on Instagram, you know that little save button next to a post. You can use that to curate different albums. So, making social media work for you rath...

One Simple Rule to Help You Avoid Burnout | Prevent and Recover from Burnout

  One Simple Rule to Help You Avoid Burnout | Prevent and Recover from Burnout Hi, lovelies! Welcome back to my blog. I feel like I've set up this post in such a calm way that really reflects the intention behind why I'm writing this, so I got pet having his little late morning nap like his second nap for the day and I've already got my cup of tea and basically, I wanted this to be more of a sit-down and chat which I haven't done in so long but I really want to address the topic of burnout and again I haven't made a post on this topic for a while and I felt like it was a very necessary time to do so because I get a lot of questions coming through my Instagram direct messages. You are welcome to message me at any time on Instagram. If you follow me, it's at Study With Bec, and I do try and reply to as many as I can, but these questions around burnout deserve extended responses and I just can't get back to each and every one of you so I wanted to make a dedi...

10 Morning Routine Habits of Successful People | Enhance Your 2020 Morning Routine!

  10 Morning Routine Habits of Successful People | Enhance Your 2021 Morning Routine! A morning routine is essential. It grounds you and is your opportunity to ease into the day and make sure that you do what you need to nourish yourself before the business sets in. I wanted to share with you 10 things successful people do as part of their morning routine that you can incorporate into your mornings before going to school, uni, or work. I like to sleep in a really dark room so luckily the street lamps aren't near my bedroom and I can sleep with the blinds up. If you can try and wake up to natural light, this also helps you to wake up at the same time to establish a consistent body clock. It's easy to wake up and lie in bed for a while not wanting to get out from the comfy covers or maybe you jump out of bed in a hurry to start your day. One thing I've tried to do for a while now is to remember my dreams and this is something a lot of successful people I admire do too. ...

Tips To Study Better

Tips To Study Better   Every one of us, most students find it very difficult to study, and when there are exams it’s almost a war! The study is the only way for one to succeed in life. It’s almost a cinch of your life that we won’t. There is nothing to fret about when we come to such situations. There are many methods that one uses to study. This article gives a variety of methods that every student must follow to study better. They are : 1. Good habits to be cultivated : I] Pray Before and after study II] Have a fixed place for study III] Avoid Noise IV] Allot a timetable. Make sure you study all the subjects and give more time to the subjects you are weak in. V] Get Sufficient sleep. “One goes late to bed and is late to rise if not blessed by God”. VI] Eat moderately. Neither too much nor too little. Have a balanced diet. VII] Have a positive attitude towards study. Not to take study as something burdensome. VIII] Do physical exercise regularly. VIIII] Have all classroom articles...

My Morning Routine 2021! How to be productive in the mornings

  My Morning Routine 2021! How to be productive in the mornings                           Hey, lovelies, and welcome!  I thought today I would with you guys my morning routine in this lockdown.                          So, my morning routine usually starts around 7:30. I have a fairly productive day so I'll wake up and gotta make the bed first. You know, it's not like the bed fairies already come and made the bed for us. And next, I do my skincare routine. Alright, uh let's go do that!                     Alright, so after I do my skincare routine and always wash my face because it always makes me feel so much more refreshed. I also have to brush my teeth. I'm the kind of person that I have to brush my teeth. First thing in the morning, I do it after breakfast and I find it r...

Problems of Students

Problems of Students Every walk of life has its own thorns. Student life is one of the best periods of life, yet it is not without difficulties. Students should be aware of the fact in order that they may deal properly with the problems that will crop up in their academic careers. ⦁ Why are some students unable to study? a. Family background: for instance, an alcoholic father, financial problems. b. Personal problems which may arise from: (1) Relationship with friends. (2) Relationship with parents, elders, teachers, superiors, etc. (3) Unhealthy body or guilty conscience or disturbed spirit. c. Defective study methods. d. Unhealthy attitude towards study--taking study as something burdensome, feeling that one cannot study, etc. ⦁ Solutions Dear students, if our parents are unaware of our study problems we should make them aware of them without hurting them or creating further problems. If, after telling them, they do not heed our complaint, we must look for alternative...