One Simple Rule to Help You Avoid Burnout | Prevent and Recover from Burnout
One Simple Rule to Help You Avoid Burnout | Prevent and Recover from Burnout Hi, lovelies! Welcome back to my blog. I feel like I've set up this post in such a calm way that really reflects the intention behind why I'm writing this, so I got pet having his little late morning nap like his second nap for the day and I've already got my cup of tea and basically, I wanted this to be more of a sit-down and chat which I haven't done in so long but I really want to address the topic of burnout and again I haven't made a post on this topic for a while and I felt like it was a very necessary time to do so because I get a lot of questions coming through my Instagram direct messages. You are welcome to message me at any time on Instagram. If you follow me, it's at Study With Bec, and I do try and reply to as many as I can, but these questions around burnout deserve extended responses and I just can't get back to each and every one of you so I wanted to make a dedi...